b3ta.com user TheCircleIsNowComplete
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Profile for TheCircleIsNowComplete:
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An English ex-pat, living near Frankfurt and wondering whether he'll come home.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» The Credit Crunch

Credit Crunch as an excuse
First time I heard someone mention the Credit Crunch in person was last year in August at a cousin's wedding.
Some guy there, who looked and sounded like a common or garden chav, was complaining that he couldn't afford something or other.
And said, 'Well, its the credit crunch innit.'
I'm not sure how deep his grasp of economic theory was, but was he was smart enough to know this was the excuse of the future.
(Tue 27th Jan 2009, 22:19, More)

» Darwin Awards

I visited Margate once
and nearly lost the will to live. That was a close one.
(Tue 17th Feb 2009, 18:32, More)

» School Days

Pronunciation problems
In secondary school one of the teachers who taught French was an actual native of France. Her English was a little basic, and whenever a pupil said something she didn't understand, she would reply with 'I have no idea'. Except this was said in a very strong French accent and came out as'I have no I.D.'

Hence the conversation, quoted from numerous otherwise unremarkable lessons:

'Miss, are you an illegal immigrant?"
'I have no I.D.'
(Thu 5th Feb 2009, 13:47, More)

» Puns

The tale of the Purple Hunter
One day the purple hunter was prowling through the purple forest, looking through his purple eyes for the purple prey which he would shoot with a purple arrow from his purple bow.

'Alas! Purple!' he cried when the purple soldiers of the purple king came across him unexpectedly.

'And purple to you sir; you are proper purpled now! For only the purple king is allowed to hunt the purple game of the purple forest', spoke the soldiers.

So the purple soldiers took the purple hunter to the purple castle where the purple king reigned. And the purple king was right unhappy to hear of such crime in the purple kingdom, and after the merest hint of a trial the purple hunter was sentenced to spend many long purple years in the purple dungeon.

The purple guards took the purple hunter down the purple stairs and used the purple key to open the purple door of the purple prison cell. The leader of the purple guards looked the purple hunter in the eyes and gestured towards the empty cell, saying:

(Mon 9th Mar 2009, 10:41, More)