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» Customers from Hell
Some people phone Samaritans to have a wank
... because 0845 numbers are cheaper than 0898 numbers and there's a pretty good chance you'll get through to a polite young lady.
We end the calls as soon as we realise what's going on, but they keep trying.
I'm a man so I get fewer of these calls than the female volunteers do - they tend to be heterosexual men so they hang up as soon as they find they're talking to another bloke.
However my gentle, caring, Samaritans voice is a bit softer than how I usually speak, so occasionally they misinterpret my gender. It gives me great satisfaction when the conversation goes like this:
Me: Samaritans, can I help you?
Him: Ooh, hello!
[From the tone of his voice I'm already pretty sure he's dick-in-hand.]
Him: And what can I call you?
Me: My name's Ben.
Him: What!?
Me: My name's Ben.
Him: Uh.. *click*
(Posted under my spare profile to maintain Samaritan volunteer anonymity.)
(Tue 9th Sep 2008, 13:24, More)
Some people phone Samaritans to have a wank
... because 0845 numbers are cheaper than 0898 numbers and there's a pretty good chance you'll get through to a polite young lady.
We end the calls as soon as we realise what's going on, but they keep trying.
I'm a man so I get fewer of these calls than the female volunteers do - they tend to be heterosexual men so they hang up as soon as they find they're talking to another bloke.
However my gentle, caring, Samaritans voice is a bit softer than how I usually speak, so occasionally they misinterpret my gender. It gives me great satisfaction when the conversation goes like this:
Me: Samaritans, can I help you?
Him: Ooh, hello!
[From the tone of his voice I'm already pretty sure he's dick-in-hand.]
Him: And what can I call you?
Me: My name's Ben.
Him: What!?
Me: My name's Ben.
Him: Uh.. *click*
(Posted under my spare profile to maintain Samaritan volunteer anonymity.)
(Tue 9th Sep 2008, 13:24, More)