b3ta.com user TioShard
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» Spoilt Brats

Condemning me!
I've known many spoilt little shits throughout my life so far but what gets me the most is that I was indeed a spoilt brat when I was younger, not by choice of course but that still doesn't stop me from looking back in disgust at the annoying little shit I was. If I could build a time machine I would go back to the age of 8 or so and strangle that little prick, sure it might cause a rift in the Space Time Continuum and all would be undone, but shit would I give 'past me' a strangle and a half! A few hits with a tire iron across the face might go down nicely also....

The point being that some reform before it's too late like myself, although as far as life skills go I'm a bit screwed...well..there's your karma!
(Fri 10th Oct 2008, 15:30, More)