Profile for ShaftManlike:
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Best answers to questions:
- a member for 16 years, 10 months and 7 days
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- They liked 8 pictures, 2 links, 0 talk posts, and 3 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Accidental innuendo
In The Supermarket
While bagging groceries with my very good female friend I totally innocently said
'If you get soft I'll get hard'
She couldn't stop laughing for 5 mins
(Sat 14th Jun 2008, 10:06, More)
In The Supermarket
While bagging groceries with my very good female friend I totally innocently said
'If you get soft I'll get hard'
She couldn't stop laughing for 5 mins
(Sat 14th Jun 2008, 10:06, More)
» Devastating Put-Downs
Easily confused
I was out for a friends birthday and there was a chap there I'd never met before. He was dull as hell and was the type of person who thought that turning everything you said back into a question at you made him look clever.
It didn't, it made him look like a dick.
Anyway, here's where I totally gave up with him.
Him: How are you doing
Me: Fair to middling
Him: Is that just a standard response from you?
Me: (starting to think he has a brain) Yes it is.
Him: Why do you say that then?
Me: To confuse idiots
Him: What do you mean by that.
I walked away with my moral triumph and ignored him for the rest of the night
(Sat 26th Nov 2011, 9:13, More)
Easily confused
I was out for a friends birthday and there was a chap there I'd never met before. He was dull as hell and was the type of person who thought that turning everything you said back into a question at you made him look clever.
It didn't, it made him look like a dick.
Anyway, here's where I totally gave up with him.
Him: How are you doing
Me: Fair to middling
Him: Is that just a standard response from you?
Me: (starting to think he has a brain) Yes it is.
Him: Why do you say that then?
Me: To confuse idiots
Him: What do you mean by that.
I walked away with my moral triumph and ignored him for the rest of the night
(Sat 26th Nov 2011, 9:13, More)
» Will you go out with me?
I cant believe it actually worked
If I give you 17p will you show my your knickers!
Classy, aint I?
(Tue 2nd Sep 2008, 19:05, More)
I cant believe it actually worked
If I give you 17p will you show my your knickers!
Classy, aint I?
(Tue 2nd Sep 2008, 19:05, More)