Profile for Roger McGough-Pipe:
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- a member for 16 years, 8 months and 27 days
- has posted 6 messages on the main board
- has posted 804 messages on the talk board
- has posted 213 messages on the links board
- (including 14 links)
- has posted 35 stories and 253 replies on question of the week
- They liked 113 pictures, 626 links, 2685 talk posts, and 560 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
What's really thick and lives on a globe?
A flat Earther.
(Sun 13th May 2018, 12:33, More)
What's really thick and lives on a globe?
A flat Earther.
(Sun 13th May 2018, 12:33, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
There's a new restaurant opened up near me. The staff were all medieval peasants who lectured me abut Caitlyn Jenner's penis privilege.
It was a Serf and Terf restaurant.
(Fri 11th May 2018, 9:52, More)
There's a new restaurant opened up near me. The staff were all medieval peasants who lectured me abut Caitlyn Jenner's penis privilege.
It was a Serf and Terf restaurant.
(Fri 11th May 2018, 9:52, More)
» UFOs and close encounters
There's this bloke on the internet right,
Who reckons he's an alien and posts really fucking tedious essays about it.
(Thu 1st May 2014, 15:33, More)
There's this bloke on the internet right,
Who reckons he's an alien and posts really fucking tedious essays about it.
(Thu 1st May 2014, 15:33, More)
» Lies Your Parents Told You II
My dad told me I had to wear smart trousers to a christening.
(Thu 10th Aug 2017, 12:35, More)
My dad told me I had to wear smart trousers to a christening.
(Thu 10th Aug 2017, 12:35, More)
» School Days
Are there lots of people in Mianus?
Mr Triggs was a substitute teacher taking us for French one afternoon after PE. All the exertions the previous period had left us in no mood to work.
Mr Triggs knew this and instead of making us work decided to regale us about the two years he spent living in Alsace.
Yes, he told us, 30 bored teenagers, about the very enjoyable time he had in Alsace. Boy did we snigger.
Much fun was had trying to get him to say more hilarious innuendo without him cottoning on.
"Was it warm in Al's Ass sir?"
"Was there a lot of room in Al's Ass sir?"
Our fun was ruined when thicker-than-pigshit-boy, who seemed to be the only one who actually thought Mr Triggs was regaling us with tales of rampant bum sex, piped up with:
"Did you wear a condom up Al's Arse?"
Which was met with the reply:
"Very funny. Now back to work, all of you."
The thick twat.
(Thu 5th Feb 2009, 12:52, More)
Are there lots of people in Mianus?
Mr Triggs was a substitute teacher taking us for French one afternoon after PE. All the exertions the previous period had left us in no mood to work.
Mr Triggs knew this and instead of making us work decided to regale us about the two years he spent living in Alsace.
Yes, he told us, 30 bored teenagers, about the very enjoyable time he had in Alsace. Boy did we snigger.
Much fun was had trying to get him to say more hilarious innuendo without him cottoning on.
"Was it warm in Al's Ass sir?"
"Was there a lot of room in Al's Ass sir?"
Our fun was ruined when thicker-than-pigshit-boy, who seemed to be the only one who actually thought Mr Triggs was regaling us with tales of rampant bum sex, piped up with:
"Did you wear a condom up Al's Arse?"
Which was met with the reply:
"Very funny. Now back to work, all of you."
The thick twat.
(Thu 5th Feb 2009, 12:52, More)