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» Faking it
Well hi im new been lurking for a while and seeing this i thought i would post one of my boring life stories
i once had this girlfriend (right nutter so obsessed) anyway everytime we came home from school i was "supose" to call her at 6 getting fed up of this shit and not wanting to lose her (the sex) i made up a story about how my internet wasnt working so i couldnt phone her or im her and such
what i really did was play counter strike all night long , i told her this when we broke up and she was shocked and appaled but to be honest she was the physco bitch who been leading a double life
well this story was a waste of your time
(Tue 15th Jul 2008, 18:01, More)
Well hi im new been lurking for a while and seeing this i thought i would post one of my boring life stories
i once had this girlfriend (right nutter so obsessed) anyway everytime we came home from school i was "supose" to call her at 6 getting fed up of this shit and not wanting to lose her (the sex) i made up a story about how my internet wasnt working so i couldnt phone her or im her and such
what i really did was play counter strike all night long , i told her this when we broke up and she was shocked and appaled but to be honest she was the physco bitch who been leading a double life
well this story was a waste of your time
(Tue 15th Jul 2008, 18:01, More)