b3ta.com user Escaped_Nubian
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when heads
of cattle, known as capital or 'capita' latin for head, were loaned to enterprisers, the latters cattle were held by the lender as capital until the enterprise venture was completed. the inbetween time when calves were born and grew into cattle was/were called, the 'interest' on the loan. to be paid by the borrower to the lender of the working capital. when metal money replaced cattle, the interest idea still persisted but metal does not produce more metal so from then on the interest paid has reduced the real wealth value of the collateral when returned to the borrower!

remember! these payments or deals were made in 'kind', that is with livestock which could be moved from here to there. blah blah ships trading routes gold virtual money

the concept of farming as a solution should seem more patronising than that which was stated above, if you might ever understand why we need to abolish the sovereign nations and fly spaceship earth! look in the cows eyes!

bring back the fucking cow!
(Mon 4th Aug 2008, 2:27, More)