b3ta.com user uscmrisc
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» My most gullible moment

perscription windscreen
not my most gullable moment...

my friends dad is old and has trouble with his eyesight as any old person can expect during the later years of life.
picture the scene phill (my friend) comes running into the kitchen, me in tow trying not to laugh, and annouces to his dad that he has just seen an advert that a certain windscreen company have just started offering perscription windscreens!
i didn't think this would go any further and his dad would tell us bollox!, but i was supprised. he literally jumped up from his seat in the kitchen throwing the paper down and says, "Brilliant! I won't have to wear them damm glasses when i'm driving!"
he then asked his son where he'd seen the advert and set off. At this point we both pissed ourselves laughing at the thought that he was actually going to go to a garage and ask for a perscription fucking windscreen!!!

after naturally telling everyone what had happened including his wife, my parents etc. we waited for him to come back.

he came back, he was not happy. we fucking pissed ourselves, apparently the guy at the garage told him he didn't have one but if he went to the other branch (9 miles away) they would have one, obviously they didn't and cue more laughter and one extremely red face!

pop! 1st post sorry about grammar and spelling :)
(Fri 22nd Aug 2008, 15:34, More)

» Family codes and rituals

t'was a while ago now that I was on the phone to me mother and I asked if she was going to the stoke match on Saturday,

She paused for a moment and then uttered the most amazing phrase ever (imo)

"Is the pope Jewish!!!?"
I immediately burst out laughing and said NO he isn't!

My mother laughing her self simply said shit!
and yes I am going to the stoke match.

and from that day onwards whenever anyone in my family is asked if they're doing something the immediate response is always "is the pope a Jew?!"

(Sat 22nd Nov 2008, 13:33, More)