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- has posted 4 stories and 7 replies on question of the week
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Customers from Hell
Subway in Portsmouth...
Customer: Can i have a BLT?
Me: sure, 6 inch or 12 inch?
Customer: What's the difference?
(Thu 4th Sep 2008, 20:15, More)
Subway in Portsmouth...
Customer: Can i have a BLT?
Me: sure, 6 inch or 12 inch?
Customer: What's the difference?
(Thu 4th Sep 2008, 20:15, More)
» The Soundtrack of your Life
iTunes shuffle bleh
My new boyfriend and I were getting down to it in my room, and for ambience I had my iTunes library playing on shuffle in the background (of which I have an awful load of she*t on).
Getting carried away as you do we hadn't bothered with protection, just as we were going to do "it" Team America's "Everyone Has AIDS!.." suddenly pops up on iTunes.
We then decided to use a condom.
(*Happy ending, neither of us have aids!)
(Thu 28th Jan 2010, 15:56, More)
iTunes shuffle bleh
My new boyfriend and I were getting down to it in my room, and for ambience I had my iTunes library playing on shuffle in the background (of which I have an awful load of she*t on).
Getting carried away as you do we hadn't bothered with protection, just as we were going to do "it" Team America's "Everyone Has AIDS!.." suddenly pops up on iTunes.
We then decided to use a condom.
(*Happy ending, neither of us have aids!)
(Thu 28th Jan 2010, 15:56, More)
» Easiest Job Ever
Sleep Research Laboratory
I worked in a sleep research laboratory in America for a year (and no I didn't get to sleep, quite the opposite!).
I got paid around $18 an hour to sit with research subjects and make sure they didn't fall asleep on our experiments, basically watching DVDs, reading books, or having conversations with the many amazing and interesting people we had as subjects :) I also got to glue electrodes to their scalps.
Unfortunately it wasn't always so easy and this did come around full circle. Keeping someone awake when you're both not sleepy is fairly easy. When it's 4am in the morning and you're both tired as hell sitting in a VERY dimly lit room with no windows it was sometimes tempting to gnaw ones' arm off just to stay awake. Sometimes, it was the volunteers who ended up keeping the staff awake!
(Tue 14th Sep 2010, 10:57, More)
Sleep Research Laboratory
I worked in a sleep research laboratory in America for a year (and no I didn't get to sleep, quite the opposite!).
I got paid around $18 an hour to sit with research subjects and make sure they didn't fall asleep on our experiments, basically watching DVDs, reading books, or having conversations with the many amazing and interesting people we had as subjects :) I also got to glue electrodes to their scalps.
Unfortunately it wasn't always so easy and this did come around full circle. Keeping someone awake when you're both not sleepy is fairly easy. When it's 4am in the morning and you're both tired as hell sitting in a VERY dimly lit room with no windows it was sometimes tempting to gnaw ones' arm off just to stay awake. Sometimes, it was the volunteers who ended up keeping the staff awake!
(Tue 14th Sep 2010, 10:57, More)
» Prejudice
For some reason, I don't like men with beards, or any form of facial hair longer than a few mm. I seem to think that they're bad people.
It's even worse if they also wear those big 1980s style glasses, then I think that they're a sex offender.
I also don't like men with goatees or moustaches.
(Tue 6th Apr 2010, 19:09, More)
For some reason, I don't like men with beards, or any form of facial hair longer than a few mm. I seem to think that they're bad people.
It's even worse if they also wear those big 1980s style glasses, then I think that they're a sex offender.
I also don't like men with goatees or moustaches.
(Tue 6th Apr 2010, 19:09, More)