b3ta.com user zegatron
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» Conversation Killers

Miss Talkalot - not so much
I was quite a shy child and hadn't had much luck with the ladies yet, but in my head I was obviously a great Lothario but just hadn't had the chance. All I needed to do was have some conversations with some girls and they'd fall head over heels and my suspicions about my inner sex beast would be confirmed.

So at one of the school social events I got talking to a rather lovely, chatty girl who's nickname was 'Rabbit'. It seemed to be going fine until I asked her why she was called rabbit.

"is it because you've got big teeth?" I said (as I was a larger toothed tweenager myself it seemed an appropriate comment)

"No, it's because I talk a lot"

She didn't talk much after that though.
(Fri 13th May 2011, 14:52, More)