b3ta.com user ms.twister
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» Common

common people!
Massive gold jewellery - especially massive hoop earrings and those really horrible necklaces, you know the ones with the massive gold clowns with the movable limbs. Also jewellery with things like "best mom" or "sister" written on them. And sovereigns I hate them to. Look in any cash converter window and I can guarantee see the whole range of cheap and nasty massive jewellery.

Chavs playing music on buses - why is it that I’m wearing headphones and I can still you playing really shit music on your tinny little phone speakers. Do you really think everyone on the bus/train wants to listen to n-dubz or whatever crap it is you think is cool.

People who call me “bab”

There’s loads of things this is just the tip of the iceberg!
(Thu 16th Oct 2008, 18:14, More)

» Social Networking Gaffes

my now ex boyfriend told me he was going to play poker with the lads, unfortunatly the next day his mate wrote on the wall to say "good night last night weren't those strippers amazing." this message showed up on my newsfeed much sulking ensued. to be fair if he told me he was going to a lap dancing club i wouldn't have been too bothered i just didnt appreciate him being a big fat liar.
(Mon 15th Sep 2008, 21:22, More)