b3ta.com user stannum
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» My sex misconceptions

Not myself...
...but a poor innocent year 7 when I was at school. A form teacher I once had taught biology, including Sex Ed to (usually fairly) unwitting 11- and 12-year olds.

One day she came giggling into registration, barely able to contain herself over a particularly risible session involving separate petri dishes containing fish eggs and fish sperm (don't ask me why, I never got such sex 'education'):

Pupil: Miss, what if some of the fish sperm...got inside of me?

Biology Teacher: Well, you'd start growing a baby mermaid in your tummy, but they'd have to give you a caesarian otherwise its tail would cut you on the way out.

Pupil: *wide-eyed, pale-faced silence*

Click 'I like this' if you think I should google her to find out whether she's still allowed near 11-year-old girls.
(Thu 2nd Oct 2008, 9:54, More)