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- a member for 16 years, 5 months and 26 days
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- They liked 391 pictures, 1215 links, 4 talk posts, and 145 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» First World Problems
I learned a few basic commands in filipino so I could communicate with our maid, and it turns out she’s Malaysian.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2012, 11:01, More)
I learned a few basic commands in filipino so I could communicate with our maid, and it turns out she’s Malaysian.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2012, 11:01, More)
» Cringe!
50 miles of sitting with a RED FACE
In my days as a trainee accountant when I was paid fuck all, was traveling back from a job with my boss, he driving the Audi XXL whatever, he asked me about buying a home on the river here near our great metropolis of the shithole of the South East called Waterford.
I pipes up, "That's place is full of inbreds!, don't buy a home there.", previously confirmed by my brother-in-law who had just started working as a GP there.
No response from my boss............. thinking why the silence while he drives, "ding", he married his first cousin....... two kids were downs syndrome and the normal looking ones were fucked up anyway.
Long 50 miles.
(Tue 2nd Dec 2008, 16:43, More)
50 miles of sitting with a RED FACE
In my days as a trainee accountant when I was paid fuck all, was traveling back from a job with my boss, he driving the Audi XXL whatever, he asked me about buying a home on the river here near our great metropolis of the shithole of the South East called Waterford.
I pipes up, "That's place is full of inbreds!, don't buy a home there.", previously confirmed by my brother-in-law who had just started working as a GP there.
No response from my boss............. thinking why the silence while he drives, "ding", he married his first cousin....... two kids were downs syndrome and the normal looking ones were fucked up anyway.
Long 50 miles.
(Tue 2nd Dec 2008, 16:43, More)
» What was I thinking?
Was 20, good looking then, tanned and very fit from working
on the sea for Summer job.
Walking home at about 10pm car pulls up in her Volvo Estate, it was the local vet 35ish, brunette, fab body, really attractive and single.
Want a lift? she says with a flirtly smile and a wink.
Ah it's ok mumbles I and I walk on, heart beating like a jackhammer.
God I'd say had a few thousand wanks thinking about what might have happened.
(Thu 23rd Sep 2010, 14:01, More)
Was 20, good looking then, tanned and very fit from working
on the sea for Summer job.
Walking home at about 10pm car pulls up in her Volvo Estate, it was the local vet 35ish, brunette, fab body, really attractive and single.
Want a lift? she says with a flirtly smile and a wink.
Ah it's ok mumbles I and I walk on, heart beating like a jackhammer.
God I'd say had a few thousand wanks thinking about what might have happened.
(Thu 23rd Sep 2010, 14:01, More)
» First World Problems
Because porn is so accessible and easy to find, masturbation doesn’t last as long and I miss the thrill of the hunt.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2012, 12:36, More)
Because porn is so accessible and easy to find, masturbation doesn’t last as long and I miss the thrill of the hunt.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2012, 12:36, More)