b3ta.com user schnurricane forgot his password
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Best answers to questions:

» Asking people out

best way i ever got asked out (and it's a good one, too)
several years ago i was out on a run (because i used to run), and i was doing an out-and-back sort of thing. about two miles in, i ran past a girl who was walking towards me on the same side of the road, and i gave her a little wave and "hello" as i went past. she seemed sort of interesting so i ended up thinking about her for awhile as i ran. several miles later i was coming back, but on the opposite side of the road (because, as i understand it, you should be facing oncoming traffic), and in the same area as i saw her, i noticed a styrofoam coffee cup, standing upside down on my side of the road. i thought it was kind of weird, but ran past it. then, for seemingly no reason, i turned around and went back to it. there, written on the side in pencil, was "jogger, if you find this, and are a musician, write to- such and such email address." so when i got back, i did, because i sort of was. we hung out a few times... actually ended up having a couple slightly out-of-my-ordinary romantic adventures, though nothing too major came of it. but still, pretty good story right? she was pretty cool, in retrospect... though i don't prefer the term "jogger."
(Fri 11th Dec 2009, 6:50, More)

» Rubbish Towns

place called oniontown.
actually called oniontown, few towns over from me. famously large inbred population, rowdy hooligans who block off roads going past oniontown with parked cars, forcing people through oniontown, and who throw cinderblocks at them from the hilly sides of the road. actually happens. interesting side note, the cinderblock/rock attacks are partially motivated by youtube videos about oniontown's terrifying nature, which inspire other people to go see what it's like. but "onion people" don't take kindly to strangers. vicious cycle.
(Mon 2nd Nov 2009, 22:46, More)