b3ta.com user Bob Blatt
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Best answers to questions:

» Rubbish Towns

A few off the top of my head
1) Watford - for no other reason than I have to work with one of its former denizens, a prize cunt if ever there was one. The way he goes on about the place you'd think they all lived in massive mansions and received a gold ingot personally hand-delivered by the Queen every day just for living there. Well I have been there, and they don't.

2) Reading - but maybe my view of this place was coloured by all the Police posters appealing for assistance on stabbing incidents. Oh, and the two shifty looking fourteen year old boys skulking around the multi-storey carpark looking for somewhere to do the drugs they'd just purchased as I arrived there.

3) Most of Brussels - the Grand Place was nice and I thought the area around Manneken Pis had a certain trashy, kitschy charm. The rest of it is a concrete monstrosity.

And just to prove that I'm not just an acid-filled old git, some places I have loved:
New York
Cornwall (yes, all of it)
(Thu 29th Oct 2009, 23:30, More)