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» Drugs
Pills and KFC
Hello, first post (ever).
3 years ago, me and some mates were out one night in Brixton, our sole intention was to get smashed and that usually meant one thing - pills. So, we got what we needed from a trusted source, and made our way to the club but not before getting some food. I have a huge appetite when it comes to food and I cannot go out anywhere at night time without filling my guts first. I duly wolfed my zinger tower burger down, and then - and I'm blaming the whole incident on this - when my mate went outside for a fag, I devoured the remains of his zinger tower burger, fried, and cookie, whilst he peered through the window, laughing at my greed. Fast forward 4 hours and I'm feeling pretty wired - very wired, in a hot sweaty Living Room, and surrounded by other hot sweaty people who all looked fairly normal compared to how i felt. At this point my stomach lurched and I panicked - i either quelled the uprising in my guts or i sprinted to the toilet. I did neither and instead I let forth a torrent of KFC vomit straight at the bloke in front of me. At this point I should've received a beating but, of all people, the bouncer ushered me out the back with a friendly "mind how you go". 30 mins later I felt great and returned to the club, my friends, and a big empty space on the dancefloor.
Length? About 2ft before impact.
PS - I do far less drugs these days but I am able to eat a full meal whilst off my chops, much to the chagrin of others around me.
(Thu 16th Sep 2010, 14:46, More)
Pills and KFC
Hello, first post (ever).
3 years ago, me and some mates were out one night in Brixton, our sole intention was to get smashed and that usually meant one thing - pills. So, we got what we needed from a trusted source, and made our way to the club but not before getting some food. I have a huge appetite when it comes to food and I cannot go out anywhere at night time without filling my guts first. I duly wolfed my zinger tower burger down, and then - and I'm blaming the whole incident on this - when my mate went outside for a fag, I devoured the remains of his zinger tower burger, fried, and cookie, whilst he peered through the window, laughing at my greed. Fast forward 4 hours and I'm feeling pretty wired - very wired, in a hot sweaty Living Room, and surrounded by other hot sweaty people who all looked fairly normal compared to how i felt. At this point my stomach lurched and I panicked - i either quelled the uprising in my guts or i sprinted to the toilet. I did neither and instead I let forth a torrent of KFC vomit straight at the bloke in front of me. At this point I should've received a beating but, of all people, the bouncer ushered me out the back with a friendly "mind how you go". 30 mins later I felt great and returned to the club, my friends, and a big empty space on the dancefloor.
Length? About 2ft before impact.
PS - I do far less drugs these days but I am able to eat a full meal whilst off my chops, much to the chagrin of others around me.
(Thu 16th Sep 2010, 14:46, More)