b3ta.com user Fat Bird
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Profile for Fat Bird:
Profile Info:

This is me on Halloween this year.

Okay, it's not me...but it does look a bit like me! My mates said I looked just like the mum from the Incredibles!

I also do some modelling for artists because they love my ample curves, this picture is really not safe for work - you might not be able to leave your desk because of trouser tenting! LOL!

So what else about me?

Well, I'm 25 and currently single, so if any gentlemen or lady b3tans fancy a roll on a Fat Bird just send me a message here or even mail me at cheerful.com - my email address starts with my b3ta user name - isn't that clever!

Anyway I like going to pubs, restaurants, I love to cook at home for that special person.

But most of all I like to be naked. I've even had complaints from my neighbours about me being naked in the garden during the summer but I say fuck 'em! It's summer, it's warm and I'm the way nature intended!

I think it was my boyfriend that they objected to actually, he was naked too...and we were having rather noisy sex on the lawn at the time. LOL!

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