b3ta.com user JuliaTam
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Profile for JuliaTam:
Profile Info:

Went to school, then didn't.
Was in HMForces, then wasn't.
Lived alone, now I don't.
I'm TG.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Mums

Last thing I heard my mom say, was, in front of myself, and my partner, ''The only reason you got this house, was by opening up your legs''.
We haven't spoken since, not do I wish to.
(Sat 13th Feb 2010, 12:54, More)

» Housemates

Worst flat'mate'(?).
The absolute very worst person I have had the misfortune to share a flat with, was my lunatic elder brother.
We used to get pissed together, i'd fall asleep on the sofa, snoring, usually.
'His' way of waking me, and asking me to be quiet?
Booting the fuck out of my face, kicking me around the flat, while wearing steel toe capped boots. This lily-livered twat would never dream of upsetting anyone that is close to his height, or build, but would attack me for no apparent reason. Usually from behind, when I was asleep, while I was doing other things, any time apart, from the front, with me sober enough to defend myself.
This prick, is 45, and has NEVER had a job. I mean that. From school, he has done fuck all, except bum off the world.
The last time I saw him, was out the front of my house, which I share with my mrs. I was two days out of hospital, my arm strapped to my shoulder. I'd just had an operation on my hand, squished my fingers at work, badly.
So, with my right arm strapped to my left shoulder, this twat decides to attack me again, in broad daylight, outside my home. Only this time, he was spotted, and someone came running across the road to ask what the hell he thought he was doing attacking someone so obviously not able to defend themselves.
He fucked off.
I haven't seen the prick since.
Suits me.
(Tue 3rd Mar 2009, 20:31, More)