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» Housemates
When you're at a Senior Military College,
you always leave your door unlocked. Every Cadet was to follow the honor code, and leave their door unlocked. Nobody ever got their stuff stolen, and it was never a problem. It actually made things a lot easier, for inspections, communication, and petty pranks.
Now every so often, somebody would get caught in the act of self-pleasure. No big deal, most people learned to be careful after they got caught once. Unfortunately, not one of my friend's roommates.
He got caught once. By my friend. When he woke up to find his roommate choking the chicken. Watching horse porn.
We called him Stickyfingers.
*pop* goes my cherry
(Mon 2nd Mar 2009, 21:37, More)
When you're at a Senior Military College,
you always leave your door unlocked. Every Cadet was to follow the honor code, and leave their door unlocked. Nobody ever got their stuff stolen, and it was never a problem. It actually made things a lot easier, for inspections, communication, and petty pranks.
Now every so often, somebody would get caught in the act of self-pleasure. No big deal, most people learned to be careful after they got caught once. Unfortunately, not one of my friend's roommates.
He got caught once. By my friend. When he woke up to find his roommate choking the chicken. Watching horse porn.
We called him Stickyfingers.
*pop* goes my cherry
(Mon 2nd Mar 2009, 21:37, More)