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» The B3ta Cookbook
Cookie monsters
Cakes. Lurvely cakes. I saw some particular cakes on t'internet and decided to try and make them. Now normally, when I try and copy something, it just comes out bollocks. But not these. These were BETTER than the originals looked.
So here is the recipe for cookie monster cakes. Makes about 16
250g butter room temperature (I use stork marg)
250g self-raising flour + pinch salt
250g caster sugar
4 medium eggs
Follow Victoria sponge mix method so…
1) Cream sugar and butter until pale and fluffy
2) Beat in eggs a little at a time with little bit of flour each time so it doesn’t curdle (or if have mixer add 1 egg at a time with 1 tbsp flour)
3) Fold in rest of flour with metal spoon gently to keep the air in
4) Put into cupcake/muffin cases
5) Bake middle oven 180 for about 25 mins until lightly golden
300g icing sugar sifted
50g soft buffer
125g cream cheese cold
1) Mix together butter and icing sugar until mixed
2) Mix cream cheese in until smooth, but not too long as it can go runny. If it goes to runny add more icing sugar
3) Add food colouring and mix (if it goes runny again add a bit more icing sugar)
Mix desiccated coconut in with food colouring to get topping. This is the magic bit as you can’t get the icing to go true ‘cookie monster’ blue. BUT the coconut will slurp up the colouring lovely.
Eyes made with white choc buttons with small dark choc chips on top, can use writing icing pen or bit of water mixed with icing sugar to stick together. Double choc cookies for mouth halved and cut up
And here is what they looked like:

BTW, everyone loved them. They got tweeted and facebumdered to death. I work in 'trendy' media London and design agencies we knew were ringing up asking where we purchased them. I could have made a killing....
First time post so be gentle...
(Fri 29th Jun 2012, 9:59, More)
Cookie monsters
Cakes. Lurvely cakes. I saw some particular cakes on t'internet and decided to try and make them. Now normally, when I try and copy something, it just comes out bollocks. But not these. These were BETTER than the originals looked.
So here is the recipe for cookie monster cakes. Makes about 16
250g butter room temperature (I use stork marg)
250g self-raising flour + pinch salt
250g caster sugar
4 medium eggs
Follow Victoria sponge mix method so…
1) Cream sugar and butter until pale and fluffy
2) Beat in eggs a little at a time with little bit of flour each time so it doesn’t curdle (or if have mixer add 1 egg at a time with 1 tbsp flour)
3) Fold in rest of flour with metal spoon gently to keep the air in
4) Put into cupcake/muffin cases
5) Bake middle oven 180 for about 25 mins until lightly golden
300g icing sugar sifted
50g soft buffer
125g cream cheese cold
1) Mix together butter and icing sugar until mixed
2) Mix cream cheese in until smooth, but not too long as it can go runny. If it goes to runny add more icing sugar
3) Add food colouring and mix (if it goes runny again add a bit more icing sugar)
Mix desiccated coconut in with food colouring to get topping. This is the magic bit as you can’t get the icing to go true ‘cookie monster’ blue. BUT the coconut will slurp up the colouring lovely.
Eyes made with white choc buttons with small dark choc chips on top, can use writing icing pen or bit of water mixed with icing sugar to stick together. Double choc cookies for mouth halved and cut up
And here is what they looked like:

BTW, everyone loved them. They got tweeted and facebumdered to death. I work in 'trendy' media London and design agencies we knew were ringing up asking where we purchased them. I could have made a killing....
First time post so be gentle...
(Fri 29th Jun 2012, 9:59, More)