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» That's me on TV!
car booty
the low rent daytime tv filler - i once had the honour of vending my junk on a pitch next door to the 'contestants' on the show. that muttony looking blonde witch with the high pitched fake middle class accent has a face like someone smeared cack under her nose when not on camera.
i did a brief talking head for them, that has been used in at least 5 different shows about various things i was selling - for some reason they focused on a knackered cricket bat.
as we left the boot sale, we screwed up their filming when my missus inadvertantly lent on the horn, which was nice.
(Wed 17th Jun 2009, 23:18, More)
car booty
the low rent daytime tv filler - i once had the honour of vending my junk on a pitch next door to the 'contestants' on the show. that muttony looking blonde witch with the high pitched fake middle class accent has a face like someone smeared cack under her nose when not on camera.
i did a brief talking head for them, that has been used in at least 5 different shows about various things i was selling - for some reason they focused on a knackered cricket bat.
as we left the boot sale, we screwed up their filming when my missus inadvertantly lent on the horn, which was nice.
(Wed 17th Jun 2009, 23:18, More)