Profile for Let them eat crisps:
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- a member for 16 years, 0 months and 20 days
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Recent front page messages:
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» Puns
Just today
My friends and I were flicking through a generic girly magazine, filled with dresses and sex tips and what have you. Turned to a page about what to say in the bedroom and the excerpt read something like: "Word play is like foreplay in the bedroom! Get her going with some punillingus!"
I died inside. Only a little.
(Tue 10th Mar 2009, 21:45, More)
Just today
My friends and I were flicking through a generic girly magazine, filled with dresses and sex tips and what have you. Turned to a page about what to say in the bedroom and the excerpt read something like: "Word play is like foreplay in the bedroom! Get her going with some punillingus!"
I died inside. Only a little.
(Tue 10th Mar 2009, 21:45, More)