Profile for nowimboard:
Good Day To B3tans Everywhere!
My Name ist John
I do(n't) have a websitebut and theres not much nothing going on with it at the moment.
I am appalling at photoshop so I don't make much of an effort, I like to colour Jolly Jacks photos or finish of little doodles.
I do rather enjoy B3ta, but never seem to make friends, I'm always hated and abused. But I think that's my place in life.
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- a member for 22 years, 4 months and 0 days
- has posted 919 messages on the main board
- has posted 1148 messages on the talk board
- has posted 153 messages on the links board
- (including 22 links)
- has posted 13 stories and 1 replies on question of the week
- They liked 21 pictures, 40 links, 2 talk posts, and 7 qotw answers.
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Good Day To B3tans Everywhere!
My Name ist John
I do(n't) have a website
I am appalling at photoshop so I don't make much of an effort, I like to colour Jolly Jacks photos or finish of little doodles.
I do rather enjoy B3ta, but never seem to make friends, I'm always hated and abused. But I think that's my place in life.
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Have you ever been dumped in a spectacular way?
*painfull memories*
I was dumped by my school girl friend in the form of "Y O U R D U M P E D" being spelt on sperate pieces of paper and held up in the big widow of her tutor room I as walked past....
my reply?
"Thank F*ck For That"
(Thu 17th Jun 2004, 17:50, More)
*painfull memories*
I was dumped by my school girl friend in the form of "Y O U R D U M P E D" being spelt on sperate pieces of paper and held up in the big widow of her tutor room I as walked past....
my reply?
"Thank F*ck For That"
(Thu 17th Jun 2004, 17:50, More)
» Voyeurism
I must of been about 7 or 8
Crouching on our landing peeking out the window watching our then neighbor's 17/18 year old daughter strip off and take it roughly up against her bedroom wall.
Young enough not to be able to enjoy the moment.
Old enough to get into trouble when getting caught staring.
(Thu 11th Oct 2007, 21:01, More)
I must of been about 7 or 8
Crouching on our landing peeking out the window watching our then neighbor's 17/18 year old daughter strip off and take it roughly up against her bedroom wall.
Young enough not to be able to enjoy the moment.
Old enough to get into trouble when getting caught staring.
(Thu 11th Oct 2007, 21:01, More)
» Petty Sabotage
The wheels on the.... oh no wait, they dont!
My ex boss anooyed me soo much one week, i came in early and removed the wheelies from her wheely chair. Becuase the company were tight fisted whatsits, there weren't any spare chairs!
Had fun with that, Next day came in early and put them back on but removed the mouse from her pc. Eveyr time she was in late, or i had an early shift, pieces of her desk or computer or equpiment went missing for a day or two :)
(Thu 5th May 2005, 14:08, More)
The wheels on the.... oh no wait, they dont!
My ex boss anooyed me soo much one week, i came in early and removed the wheelies from her wheely chair. Becuase the company were tight fisted whatsits, there weren't any spare chairs!
Had fun with that, Next day came in early and put them back on but removed the mouse from her pc. Eveyr time she was in late, or i had an early shift, pieces of her desk or computer or equpiment went missing for a day or two :)
(Thu 5th May 2005, 14:08, More)
» Public Sex
The Royal We...
Out side Buckingham Palace...
It was a royal screwing one should know.
(Thu 23rd Apr 2009, 18:43, More)
The Royal We...
Out side Buckingham Palace...
It was a royal screwing one should know.
(Thu 23rd Apr 2009, 18:43, More)
» Teenage Poetry
Well since I am a teen ager for another week and 6 days...
I could not give a bother,
With all this bloody rhyming Speak
I really could not give a shit
about the crap Question of the week,
(Fri 12th Aug 2005, 12:26, More)
Well since I am a teen ager for another week and 6 days...
I could not give a bother,
With all this bloody rhyming Speak
I really could not give a shit
about the crap Question of the week,
(Fri 12th Aug 2005, 12:26, More)