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Swallowing furniture
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Swallowing furniture
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Why are stuttering cats annoying?
It's all just me me me.
(Sun 9th Dec 2018, 22:16, More)
Why are stuttering cats annoying?
It's all just me me me.
(Sun 9th Dec 2018, 22:16, More)
» The In Laws
Anal christmas
My mother in law once gave me an anal thermometer as a Christmas present.
The packet it came in already been opened and then sellotaped shut again.
(Wed 14th Jun 2017, 20:37, More)
Anal christmas
My mother in law once gave me an anal thermometer as a Christmas present.
The packet it came in already been opened and then sellotaped shut again.
(Wed 14th Jun 2017, 20:37, More)
» The Best / Worst thing I've ever eaten
Alien Breakfast
The worst meal I've ever eaten was at an "Irish" pub in Calais.
My girlfriend and I and a couple of friends had gone over on a wine run, and one of the friends hadn't eaten anything before going, so was whining about being hungry. We were in one of those French megamalls that no French people go to - they're strictly for tourists only. I said: "Well, wherever we eat, the food's going to be horrible, so let's just cut the middleman and go to MacD's." The friend said: "I didn't come to France to eat in a Macdonald's!" So we went to this authentic French "Irish" bar, which had an offer of a "Full English Breakfast" with a free pint. Well, the pint was 1/2 litre, which wasn't so bad, but the breakfast...
It was as if aliens had tried to reconstruct a full English breakfast, working only from photographs and things you could find in tins.
The 'sausages' were cold frankfurters - very high in sawdust content.
The 'bacon' was microwaved spam.
The 'eggs' were a hard to identify cold yellow mess, swimming in a green and grainy grease.
The 'baked beans' were simply white haricot beans in watered down ketchup. KETCHUP!
I'm not really getting across the sheer awfulness of it - I still feel nauseated just thinking about it, and it was ten years ago.
Bloody French.
(Sat 28th May 2011, 11:15, More)
Alien Breakfast
The worst meal I've ever eaten was at an "Irish" pub in Calais.
My girlfriend and I and a couple of friends had gone over on a wine run, and one of the friends hadn't eaten anything before going, so was whining about being hungry. We were in one of those French megamalls that no French people go to - they're strictly for tourists only. I said: "Well, wherever we eat, the food's going to be horrible, so let's just cut the middleman and go to MacD's." The friend said: "I didn't come to France to eat in a Macdonald's!" So we went to this authentic French "Irish" bar, which had an offer of a "Full English Breakfast" with a free pint. Well, the pint was 1/2 litre, which wasn't so bad, but the breakfast...
It was as if aliens had tried to reconstruct a full English breakfast, working only from photographs and things you could find in tins.
The 'sausages' were cold frankfurters - very high in sawdust content.
The 'bacon' was microwaved spam.
The 'eggs' were a hard to identify cold yellow mess, swimming in a green and grainy grease.
The 'baked beans' were simply white haricot beans in watered down ketchup. KETCHUP!
I'm not really getting across the sheer awfulness of it - I still feel nauseated just thinking about it, and it was ten years ago.
Bloody French.
(Sat 28th May 2011, 11:15, More)
» I don't understand the attraction
Russell Brand
I have a whole load of things I don't understand the appeal of, but let's start with this annoying little tosser.
He reminds me of the sort of person no-one but simpletons and sheltered, otherwise friendless girls liked at university - "He's so ZANY!" - I tired of his whimsy before I heard the end of the first sentence I heard him begin, and I find his stubbly tranny without a dress appearance tiresome in the extreme.
He's the sort of person that stupid people think they like simply because he's on television all the time.
(Fri 16th Oct 2009, 15:57, More)
Russell Brand
I have a whole load of things I don't understand the appeal of, but let's start with this annoying little tosser.
He reminds me of the sort of person no-one but simpletons and sheltered, otherwise friendless girls liked at university - "He's so ZANY!" - I tired of his whimsy before I heard the end of the first sentence I heard him begin, and I find his stubbly tranny without a dress appearance tiresome in the extreme.
He's the sort of person that stupid people think they like simply because he's on television all the time.
(Fri 16th Oct 2009, 15:57, More)
» B3ta Person of the Year 2010
Matt Smith
Sorry to be all nerdy, but I thought he did a really good job.
(Fri 17th Dec 2010, 0:39, More)
Matt Smith
Sorry to be all nerdy, but I thought he did a really good job.
(Fri 17th Dec 2010, 0:39, More)