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» The B3TA Confessional
Hiroshima desecration
This was written about a year ago, for a different B3ta QOTW, but because my account was new, I couldn’t post it. Suffice to say it has been a terrible weight, or wait. Maybe both.
When I saw this weeks question, I had to sign up, finally, to B3TA. Absolution for my sins?
Japan, Hiroshima - more specifically the Holocaust memorial museum...
So I'm in Japan with my friend, on the way back to the UK. He knows someone from Bristol now working in Tokyo. We all go to Hiroshima together and stay in a traditional Japanese businessman's hotel - awesome cultural experience!! Recommend it (so long as someone can talk in funny symbols)
Anyway, of course we go to visit the original ground-zero, site of the monument and museum. And me being me, I'm taking my time, soaking it up, and my friend (and his friend) have got a bit ahead. Anyway - I notice this well cute lad with a group of other older teens. Some sort of organised trip - college Japanese perhaps?
And we're working our way through the exhibits - except he seems to be dropping back as well. Hmmmmm.
Half way through, there are the facilities. I decide I need a ‘piss’... So walk past the museum guard and stand at urinal thingy. Sure enough, about a minute (or three) later, cute boy walks in, throws me a glance over his shoulder and goes into cubicle.
Soon thereafter, he's like "I want you to fuck me" [he's English it turns out] and I'm like "I don't have time - or a condom" (and thinking about my ex-flatmate telling me how noisy I used to be when fucking my ex-boyfriend - and that there's a guard dude just outside)
So anyway - I don't fuck him, lots of other (quiet) fun is had... and we're on our ways, I catch up with my friend and his friend outside - I tell him I was just reading all the posters etc of course...
So anyway - if we were straight, it could have been some testimony to the continued survival of humanity or something - but we weren’t - I cruised a teenage boy (18ish) and then swallowed his cum in the toilets in the middle of the Hiroshima Holocaust monument/museum - I didn't read any of the displays much beyond the entrance – and I am so ashamed. ;-)
(Thu 26th Aug 2010, 14:29, More)
Hiroshima desecration
This was written about a year ago, for a different B3ta QOTW, but because my account was new, I couldn’t post it. Suffice to say it has been a terrible weight, or wait. Maybe both.
When I saw this weeks question, I had to sign up, finally, to B3TA. Absolution for my sins?
Japan, Hiroshima - more specifically the Holocaust memorial museum...
So I'm in Japan with my friend, on the way back to the UK. He knows someone from Bristol now working in Tokyo. We all go to Hiroshima together and stay in a traditional Japanese businessman's hotel - awesome cultural experience!! Recommend it (so long as someone can talk in funny symbols)
Anyway, of course we go to visit the original ground-zero, site of the monument and museum. And me being me, I'm taking my time, soaking it up, and my friend (and his friend) have got a bit ahead. Anyway - I notice this well cute lad with a group of other older teens. Some sort of organised trip - college Japanese perhaps?
And we're working our way through the exhibits - except he seems to be dropping back as well. Hmmmmm.
Half way through, there are the facilities. I decide I need a ‘piss’... So walk past the museum guard and stand at urinal thingy. Sure enough, about a minute (or three) later, cute boy walks in, throws me a glance over his shoulder and goes into cubicle.
Soon thereafter, he's like "I want you to fuck me" [he's English it turns out] and I'm like "I don't have time - or a condom" (and thinking about my ex-flatmate telling me how noisy I used to be when fucking my ex-boyfriend - and that there's a guard dude just outside)
So anyway - I don't fuck him, lots of other (quiet) fun is had... and we're on our ways, I catch up with my friend and his friend outside - I tell him I was just reading all the posters etc of course...
So anyway - if we were straight, it could have been some testimony to the continued survival of humanity or something - but we weren’t - I cruised a teenage boy (18ish) and then swallowed his cum in the toilets in the middle of the Hiroshima Holocaust monument/museum - I didn't read any of the displays much beyond the entrance – and I am so ashamed. ;-)
(Thu 26th Aug 2010, 14:29, More)