Profile for jdkpummel:
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- a member for 15 years, 9 months and 25 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Performance
In front a few thousand
Giving a speech, I took a misstep by mentioning that the US won independence from France...which the Congressman standing to my left kindly and immediately corrected me. I responded with "toMAYto, toMAHto"
(Sat 20th Aug 2011, 4:47, More)
In front a few thousand
Giving a speech, I took a misstep by mentioning that the US won independence from France...which the Congressman standing to my left kindly and immediately corrected me. I responded with "toMAYto, toMAHto"
(Sat 20th Aug 2011, 4:47, More)