b3ta.com user Subculture85
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» IT Support

Yeah, a new keyboard will help.
Often we get calls from people. supervisors and managers more often than not, complaining about nothing showing on the screen, only to find out that they've not turned the computer on. But one day we got a call from a girl in the Customer Services department who wanted a new keyboard. It went something like this:

CS Girl: "I need a new keyboard because I can't see the letters on this one."

Us: "Why can't you see the letters, are they faded?"

CS Girl: "The sun is shining on them, and it's really bright."

Us: "Is the blind down?"

CS Girl: "No"

At that point we hung up. Unfortunately we were all out of keyboards that suck in the light.
(Sat 26th Sep 2009, 22:06, More)