b3ta.com user Alice
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» Going Too Far

The building next to where I work, a food science lab, was going through renovations. I took a tour of it the other day. A lot of interesting things were going to be thrown away, like heaps of lab equipment. The man said "help yourself!" Seeing a great opportunity for art projects, I grabbed 2 friends and we went back, taking about 10 boxes of glassware and some old chairs. I ran into a couple of friends in the hallway who were sculptors and told them about the treasures in the other building's hallway that they might want to use for projects. Feeling like I had done a good deed by recycling all this doomed material felt great. I went out of town that evening.

I came back the next day to find out that my good deed had spread like wildfire and that night, about 100 people invaded the building, looting every room, lifting 8-foot cabinets, chairs, tables, a case of champagne, vintage wines, and the plans to the new building. The plans were returned - drawn on in Sharpie by some creative painter kid.

I got blamed for orchestrating this mass chaos (police were involved and everything) and I would have gotten into heaps of trouble...if my own boss hadn't been one of the raiders. Fuck, now i wish I had known about that champagne!!
(Sat 11th Nov 2006, 13:23, More)