b3ta.com user mutherhubard
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» Sexual fetishes

i want you to . ..
My first proper relationship involved sex that would go on for hours, probably because I couldn't come because I didn't find the girl attractive and she was a bit nutty. She would say, after having her second orgasm - probably getting quite bored by now, 'I want you to come'. So do I bitch I would think.
Anyway, a few years after we split up I was out on the piss and after a while of no action pulled a slightly short and chubby bird. She was my age and had nice eyes, so why not I thought. Getting her back to my place, I proceeded to shag the life out of the girl, and with the alcohol and not being attracted to her I suffered from not being able to 'finish'. She asked me to fist her and I did, then she said those words 'I want you to come'. Thing was her birthday was the same as my first girlfriend, day, month and year. She was a teacher, same as first gf.

Think I will be stuck with having to get permission to ejaculate and fisting on first dates now.

An old welsh bloke in my local pub now greets me with 'eh fist, how ya doing?'
(Fri 23rd Oct 2009, 23:48, More)