b3ta.com user Ingrid Leinhard
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» Nights Out Gone Wrong

More of a day out..
I went to Universal Studios (Orlando) with a couple of friends a few years ago during the height of my two years of hardcore drinking. We went on a few rides, but when they wanted to go on Dueling Dragons, I decided to sit it out. Luckily, there was a bar right across from the exit. I settled down, smoked some cigarettes and starting chatting with the guy next to me. I'm really fuzzy on the details, but somehow I got into a jager drinking contest and got blackout drunk in the time it took my friends to wait in line and ride the roller coaster.

The next thing I remember was waking up in the back of a strange car being driven by a man I didn't know. In my head I thought I'd drunkenly wandered off and gotten myself kidnapped. I started crying and begging him to let me go. I told him I wouldn't tell anyone if he just pulled over and let me out. He kept saying something to me, but he had such a thick accent and I was blubbering so loudly that I never caught what he was saying. I finally just laid down in the back seat and a short time later the car stopped. I got up and looked out the window and we were at my parent's house.

There were apparently many reports of a "drunk girl burning people with cigarettes" and I was escorted out and put in a cab. No one knew my current address, and I couldn't even form a word, so they sent me to the address on my license, which was still my parent's house. I'm sure my father was so pleased to shell out the money to pay for a 30 mile cab ride, while I tried to make it inside, failed miserably and ended up just laying in the garage for a few hours.
(Thu 24th Mar 2011, 23:16, More)

» Ouch!

At least I was up to date with my tetanus shot
I live in a neighborhood, divided into 20 or so smaller subdivisions, that is one giant circle. It takes about an hour to walk all the way around and is perfect for a stroll when the weather isn't disgustingly humid which is rare in Orlando. At the halfway point is a baseball field that has a lot of chain link fencing around it. One Saturday evening I was walking along the border of the field and tripped over a pretty small branch and fell into the fence...that turned out to be cut...and ripped a bit of my arm open.

I was 30 minutes away from my apartment with no phone so I had to clamp my left hand on the wound and walk as quickly as possible towards home telling myself loudly that everything was okay, all the while hoping that no one else would be out at the time to witness a speed-walking-almost-crying girl with blood running down her arm while pretty much yelling that everything would be fine.

It hurt at the time and still hurts now, a year later, because the skin healed too tightly and when I stretch my arm it feels like it's going to explode open again.
(Fri 30th Jul 2010, 0:28, More)