b3ta.com user flutterybutterfly
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wrapping paper
My mum is a bit of an eco-warrior. Likes to do her bit on saving the planet and will try to convert anyone else who'll listen bless her. She's massive on recycling, you know the usual, glass bottles, cans, paper-what we all should be doing really. But she does this one thing that christmas that I think is taking it a little too far. She'll be so careful not to tear the wrapping paper on any of her presents so she can recycle it and use it again the following year. Not too bad you might think. But she has drawers full of the stuff. At christmas we'll get presents with paper thats been around for 10 years! I find it annoying when she comes to opening my present and am excited to see if she likes it but takes 10 minutes to open the damn thing. This will normally result in echoing cries from all of us, ''JUST RIP IT MUM!!'' But she never does. And she's probably saved quite a bit of cash over the years. Anyhoo this year I shall be buying her this


And I'll be wrapping it up. With new paper.

First post woop!
(Tue 1st Dec 2009, 21:14, More)