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» Scars with history
Not much history as yet
This is actually a pretty fresh scar. I was a passenger on a motor scooter when a cyclist (yes, a cyclist!) managed to knock us off. It made a pretty good mess of my collarbone (see picture 1), this scar itself is middle picture, the red marks are actually where my skin was pulled off when they took steri strips off yesterday, and the stitches out. The first nurse had to go and get a second nurse as she wasn't strong enough to pull the stitches through... the third picture shows the reason I will be buzzing in metal detectors from now on.
(Fri 4th Feb 2005, 14:14, More)
Not much history as yet

This is actually a pretty fresh scar. I was a passenger on a motor scooter when a cyclist (yes, a cyclist!) managed to knock us off. It made a pretty good mess of my collarbone (see picture 1), this scar itself is middle picture, the red marks are actually where my skin was pulled off when they took steri strips off yesterday, and the stitches out. The first nurse had to go and get a second nurse as she wasn't strong enough to pull the stitches through... the third picture shows the reason I will be buzzing in metal detectors from now on.
(Fri 4th Feb 2005, 14:14, More)