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» Caught!
oh dear
It was the sixth form ball. As a popular, but shy/inexperienced 18 year old, I was hoping to lose my virginity pretty soon; as games of 'I never' were getting very embarrassing. When someone said 'I have never had sex with a girl' everyone would drink and I would have to take a sly sip on my drink not to look like I was a virgin, hoping not to get caught out and shamed by one of my wanker mates.
Back to the story. Our ball happened to be at a racecourse, and the stands were outside, where everyone went to smoke. I got chatting to a girl and then later on I saw her again at the bar 'get me a pint' I said cheekily, and she bought me one, and i felt obliged to sit with her whie I drank it. The conversation dwindled a bit and I was pretty para by this time (not just off the one pint, i was already smashed);) . She said to me 'since i got you this drink you owe me something' and wanted to find somewhere to go. This girl was obviously looking for a shag anywhere she could find one, but this didnt bother me, and I was well up for it.
I suggested the boys toilets and we both went in, but there were still a few people in there, so we waited and talked until they had left (it must've been painfully obvious what was going on). After the few people had left, we went into the cubicle, began kissing and she started munching my meat. As this was happening I heard more people come in, they were talking. It was my mates!! They were talking about me and this girl that I was blatantly trying it on with (very embarrassing) but they left.
About 1 minute later a bloke was hammering on the cubicle door, it was one of the racecourse 'bouncers'. Shit. 'Get out of there!'. Very embarrassing. Luckily he wasnt a total wanker and didnt chuck us out/ give us a grilling.
The night wasn't a total failure because I did infact lose my virginity, as I took her off to a romantic spot behind a building down the road, but my camera fell out of my jacket pocket mid-pump and I lost one of my batteries, which put a bit of a downer on the night.
(Tue 8th Jun 2010, 17:35, More)
oh dear
It was the sixth form ball. As a popular, but shy/inexperienced 18 year old, I was hoping to lose my virginity pretty soon; as games of 'I never' were getting very embarrassing. When someone said 'I have never had sex with a girl' everyone would drink and I would have to take a sly sip on my drink not to look like I was a virgin, hoping not to get caught out and shamed by one of my wanker mates.
Back to the story. Our ball happened to be at a racecourse, and the stands were outside, where everyone went to smoke. I got chatting to a girl and then later on I saw her again at the bar 'get me a pint' I said cheekily, and she bought me one, and i felt obliged to sit with her whie I drank it. The conversation dwindled a bit and I was pretty para by this time (not just off the one pint, i was already smashed);) . She said to me 'since i got you this drink you owe me something' and wanted to find somewhere to go. This girl was obviously looking for a shag anywhere she could find one, but this didnt bother me, and I was well up for it.
I suggested the boys toilets and we both went in, but there were still a few people in there, so we waited and talked until they had left (it must've been painfully obvious what was going on). After the few people had left, we went into the cubicle, began kissing and she started munching my meat. As this was happening I heard more people come in, they were talking. It was my mates!! They were talking about me and this girl that I was blatantly trying it on with (very embarrassing) but they left.
About 1 minute later a bloke was hammering on the cubicle door, it was one of the racecourse 'bouncers'. Shit. 'Get out of there!'. Very embarrassing. Luckily he wasnt a total wanker and didnt chuck us out/ give us a grilling.
The night wasn't a total failure because I did infact lose my virginity, as I took her off to a romantic spot behind a building down the road, but my camera fell out of my jacket pocket mid-pump and I lost one of my batteries, which put a bit of a downer on the night.
(Tue 8th Jun 2010, 17:35, More)