b3ta.com user TenTinyGnomes
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Profile for TenTinyGnomes:
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I have a few pictures, that I would like to share.

First, is my usual day outside...yah!

Me and my boyfriend, and the cat.

And me NOT in fancy dress nonsense.:P

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» Caught!

Ventrillo. . .
First post, be gentle!

I am, for my sins, a gamer. I am also in my late teens.

One afternoon, late last summer, my boyfriend and I were doing our usual thing on World of Warcraft, no-life healing a raid. Amongst the usual spam of "OMG U N00B" over ventrillo, we were all told to take a 10 minute break.

Two half naked lovers, glistening in the early evening heat, look into each others eyes, and the inevitable happens. Yes! That's right, loud, rauchy, passionate sex on the sofa.

The heat was rising, the moans were getting louder, the passion building, then at the point of no return a little voice pipes up nervously from the computer, "Do you think they are done?".

Yes, we'd forgotten to turn ventrillo off.
(Wed 9th Jun 2010, 13:54, More)