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» Guilty Laughs
Surprise downer
Like any other day at uni, I'm playing pro evolution soccer with my housemates. A taxi pulls up close to our house and a black guy gets out with loads of bags. One of my housemates randomly stands up and says "black" in a tone which suggests acknowledgement rather than casual racism. However, the dude sees this acknowledgement and walks over to our front door. He rings the doorbell and I answer. He says he's met me before in Manchester (a place to which I've never been) and that my name is Peter (nope). He plows on regardless.
I'm gonna try and keep this story short by cutting out the conversation but he told me all about the death of his father and how he was having to go back to South Africa but his heart rending story was punctuated by him saying shiiiiiiiit in a high pitched voice at which i struggled not to giggle. It was at this point that i notice out of the corner of my eye that there is a down's syndrome kid sitting on the wall across the road licking a DVD case. I laugh so hard that milk comes out of my nose.
(Fri 23rd Jul 2010, 12:51, More)
Surprise downer
Like any other day at uni, I'm playing pro evolution soccer with my housemates. A taxi pulls up close to our house and a black guy gets out with loads of bags. One of my housemates randomly stands up and says "black" in a tone which suggests acknowledgement rather than casual racism. However, the dude sees this acknowledgement and walks over to our front door. He rings the doorbell and I answer. He says he's met me before in Manchester (a place to which I've never been) and that my name is Peter (nope). He plows on regardless.
I'm gonna try and keep this story short by cutting out the conversation but he told me all about the death of his father and how he was having to go back to South Africa but his heart rending story was punctuated by him saying shiiiiiiiit in a high pitched voice at which i struggled not to giggle. It was at this point that i notice out of the corner of my eye that there is a down's syndrome kid sitting on the wall across the road licking a DVD case. I laugh so hard that milk comes out of my nose.
(Fri 23rd Jul 2010, 12:51, More)