b3ta.com user Psycho American
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» Fire!

extra credit science experiment
Ahhh...I was in the fifth grade. We did an experiment in science class that involved heating up sugar until it melted. The teacher told us that we could have extra credit if we did the same experiment at home (with the help of our parents, of course), but with another substance. I told my mother I wanted to try salt. Well, the salt was boring (no flames, no smoke, not a thing happened), so since we're both pyromaniacs, we wanted to see something burn. Well, what else would you choose after first trying salt? Pepper! Hmmm... Very, VERY bad idea...It quickly started smoking a lot, causing puffs of hot pepper to go into our eyes, into our lungs, and throughout the whole house. Couldn't see enough to turn off the stove and get rid of the flaming pepper fast enough...Still can't use pepper to this day, however I did get the well deserved extra credit.
(Sat 5th Nov 2005, 3:20, More)