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» Bodge Jobs
Working in IT...
I often have to remove hard disks to image them etc. Most manufacturers put screws / lug thingys on the edge to hold them in place when in the computer. These 'thingys' impede my progress as they don't fit in a USB caddy (unless first unscrewed)...
I've hacksawed the edges off mine, so drives just plop in nicely without the hassle of removing the screws first.
My boss has also copied this as it makes our nerdy tinkerings so much easier :D
(Fri 11th Mar 2011, 23:18, More)
Working in IT...
I often have to remove hard disks to image them etc. Most manufacturers put screws / lug thingys on the edge to hold them in place when in the computer. These 'thingys' impede my progress as they don't fit in a USB caddy (unless first unscrewed)...
I've hacksawed the edges off mine, so drives just plop in nicely without the hassle of removing the screws first.

My boss has also copied this as it makes our nerdy tinkerings so much easier :D
(Fri 11th Mar 2011, 23:18, More)