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» Weird Rituals
gotta get that thing in the bin!!!!
i have a thing i do in work where i go to throw something in the bin and if i dont get it first time then we have a clusterfuck of a shift.
i run a kitchen and spend most of my day in a box (kitchen) with the same people day in day out. its mot mcdonalds
better than that but yeah, al sorst of stupid shit,
didnt ocd used to be called superstition?????
(Fri 16th Dec 2011, 3:32, More)
gotta get that thing in the bin!!!!
i have a thing i do in work where i go to throw something in the bin and if i dont get it first time then we have a clusterfuck of a shift.
i run a kitchen and spend most of my day in a box (kitchen) with the same people day in day out. its mot mcdonalds
better than that but yeah, al sorst of stupid shit,
didnt ocd used to be called superstition?????
(Fri 16th Dec 2011, 3:32, More)