b3ta.com user Morrolan
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» School Naughtiness

Egotistical physics teacher...
Picture this - Windows 95 has just been released and one day we wander into our physics lesson, only to be confronted with this awesome machine of power running Windows 95. We thought it was the dogs. We weren't allowed to touch it.

One day sat there in class, the teacher locks the screen after fiddling with something on the PC. I proudly say "I bet I can hack that PC". Everyone in the class gasped - this was the teachers pride and joy. The egotistical knobhead said "Yeah right, I bet you don't even know where the power switch is."

I decided to reply with "OK, next time you leave the room, I bet you I can hack into it and break it."

Oh dear oh dear - his ego wouldn't let this go so he accepted.

20 minutes later he announced that he'd be back in 5 minutes. It was on. As soon as he left (with the screen locked on the screensaver) I immediately pulled the plug, then plugged it back in. F8 to boot into DOS mode.

cd windows
erase *.*

That was it - when he came back, he saw the PC turned off. He turned it on, and BANG! Couldn't load as the windows directory was empty. His face just fell and went white as a sheet as everyone in the class laughed at him, and I was suddenly and briefly the class hero for knocking the smug bastard down a peg or two.

He couldn't admit to IT that he'd ended up allowing a pupil to knowingly fuck up the computer. It took him weeks to get it reinstalled and he always treated me with a very cold stare after that.
(Thu 8th Sep 2011, 13:36, More)

» School Naughtiness

Not quite my school but...
14 years ago, a group of us 6 had just finished all of our GCSE's, and we were all back at a mates house which happened to back onto a field, and about 30 yards across this field was a small 4ft wooden fence which then opened out onto the playing field of the local catholic high school (not our school).

Being rather the worse for wear after smoking copious amounts of shit weed, 5 out of 6 of us (3 lads and 2 girls) decided "fuck it", and we hatched a plan.

So there we were, 3 horny as fuck 16 year old lads, naked with 2 girls we'd grown up with.

The dare?

To streak across the catholic school playing fields, touch the wall of the building, and run back. At lunchtime.

All 5 of us did it to the incredible shock of loads of 13 and 14 year olds, just leaving one prudish girl to wait with our clothes by the fence :)

These days we'd probably end up on the sex offenders register for that, but at the time we thought it was hilarious, and over the rest of the summer, the streaking continued amongst the 5 of us whenever we could :)
(Thu 8th Sep 2011, 13:07, More)

» Controversial Beliefs

I believe...
that all human children be given the right to parent 3/4 of a child.

This is the only way to get the World population under control. If each person is given the right to parent 3/4 of a child, it means that when 2 people tango, they are left with a surplus of 1 half of a child.

This can be traded/sold with all proceeds going into a trust fund for said child once they turn 18, for uni education etc.

If you are wealthy enough to want to have a 2nd child, you can buy this right to half a child, will will enable you to have a second child.

This doesn't need to be permanent, it just needs to be done for 3 generations to reduce the overall population of earth to more manageable levels.

It should certainly help to solve world hunger, as less people and more food (as long as we don't reduce farming levels).
(Wed 1st May 2013, 10:13, More)