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Recent front page messages:
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» Ignorance
arab spring
A few months ago, a friend of mine was discussing the horrors of the troubles in Africa and the middle east. Another friend overheard our conversation and piped up "yeah, definitely an Arab Spring. Let's hope we get an Indian summer this year too"
(Sun 2nd Sep 2012, 19:32, More)
arab spring
A few months ago, a friend of mine was discussing the horrors of the troubles in Africa and the middle east. Another friend overheard our conversation and piped up "yeah, definitely an Arab Spring. Let's hope we get an Indian summer this year too"
(Sun 2nd Sep 2012, 19:32, More)
» I didn't do it
I most certainly never...
...misplaced a hefty rock on the railway line when I visited a model village in Spain. I've never seen the Spanish so animated
(Wed 21st Sep 2011, 22:41, More)
I most certainly never...
...misplaced a hefty rock on the railway line when I visited a model village in Spain. I've never seen the Spanish so animated
(Wed 21st Sep 2011, 22:41, More)