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Recent front page messages:
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» The Naughty Step
David retreated,
skittering hastily away. Mrs Brain, oddly lucid in crisis, identified someone's arse wobbling in the lower estuaries, South Shields. Crimped undulating nutty turds.
(Thu 7th Feb 2013, 22:59, More)
David retreated,
skittering hastily away. Mrs Brain, oddly lucid in crisis, identified someone's arse wobbling in the lower estuaries, South Shields. Crimped undulating nutty turds.
(Thu 7th Feb 2013, 22:59, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Why did the kraut rock?
Because it can.
(Wed 14th Jul 2021, 10:58, More)
Why did the kraut rock?
Because it can.
(Wed 14th Jul 2021, 10:58, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
My Muslim friend refused to eat some bread I made with a fake meat-stuffing
Apparently it goes against the Quorn-Naan.
(Thu 9th Sep 2021, 11:37, More)
My Muslim friend refused to eat some bread I made with a fake meat-stuffing
Apparently it goes against the Quorn-Naan.
(Thu 9th Sep 2021, 11:37, More)