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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» First World Problems
A Cooking Story
Once upon a time, a hungry man tried cooking a stew. But he burnt it, had no ingredients left and had to give up. Then his wife appeared in the kitchen, and said: "For stew, all the problems"
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 17:10, More)
A Cooking Story
Once upon a time, a hungry man tried cooking a stew. But he burnt it, had no ingredients left and had to give up. Then his wife appeared in the kitchen, and said: "For stew, all the problems"
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 17:10, More)
» First World Problems
Wear clean socks or you'll get
Foot smell problems.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 17:04, More)
Wear clean socks or you'll get
Foot smell problems.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 17:04, More)
» First World Problems
Feet whirled problems
Spinning around made me dizzy.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 16:45, More)
Feet whirled problems
Spinning around made me dizzy.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 16:45, More)
» First World Problems
Eve succumbed to temptation and ate the fruit
That was the world's first problem.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 16:31, More)
Eve succumbed to temptation and ate the fruit
That was the world's first problem.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 16:31, More)
» First World Problems
This winter was way too cold
Frosty world problems.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 16:29, More)
This winter was way too cold
Frosty world problems.
(Thu 8th Mar 2012, 16:29, More)