b3ta.com user PNurse
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Best answers to questions:

» Theft

Internet Banking
"Get online banking, everything is so much easier" they all told me. My parents have been using internet banking for years and swear by it. So after many years of resisting it (I haven't even had a good reason for it other than horrendous amounts of internet trolling making me paranoid) I signed up a few months ago.

Yep, it's good, and it's convenient, and it's paved the way for some Singaporean cunt to steal over £1550 from my account in the last couple of days. Yep, thanks for that.
(Sat 9th Nov 2013, 16:32, More)

» I Hurt My Rude Bits, Again

the ballbag incident
While visiting a couple of b3tards in Poland recently, my sizely king edwards unfortunately became the subject of a paparazzi photographer's attention. I don't even know why the junk was on display, but I'm now cowering back in the UK hoping they don't appear on the internet. Which I've been pretty much guaranteed is going to happen...
(Wed 13th Mar 2013, 21:46, More)