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» Modern Life
When I was a lass growing up in a small town..
It was perfectly acceptable to talk to the single middle aged man who didn't have kids but always had sweets, he wasn't "creepy" he was "excentric".
It was the 90's and I was a young teen, I grew up on the streets, hanging out in the woods behind my house until at least 9.30pm. We had the obligatory stash of dirty mags in our hideout, that one friends older brother who would buy us Mad Dog 20/20 which we drank until we were sick.
When I was 17 a friend and I used to work in the town and go to the only pub that would let us in after work because we sat at the back lamenting on how shit our lives were then going home steaming to dodge the parental and get to bed.
Now I'm in my 30's and I don't go out to the pub anymore. I sit at home with my husband and we pick a film to listen to whilst we use our phones.
So I miss the times when we didn't have phones, it deffo made me more socialable.
tl:dr underage drinking, lack of stranger danger and small town psychosis
(Wed 22nd Jul 2015, 12:07, More)
When I was a lass growing up in a small town..
It was perfectly acceptable to talk to the single middle aged man who didn't have kids but always had sweets, he wasn't "creepy" he was "excentric".
It was the 90's and I was a young teen, I grew up on the streets, hanging out in the woods behind my house until at least 9.30pm. We had the obligatory stash of dirty mags in our hideout, that one friends older brother who would buy us Mad Dog 20/20 which we drank until we were sick.
When I was 17 a friend and I used to work in the town and go to the only pub that would let us in after work because we sat at the back lamenting on how shit our lives were then going home steaming to dodge the parental and get to bed.
Now I'm in my 30's and I don't go out to the pub anymore. I sit at home with my husband and we pick a film to listen to whilst we use our phones.
So I miss the times when we didn't have phones, it deffo made me more socialable.
tl:dr underage drinking, lack of stranger danger and small town psychosis
(Wed 22nd Jul 2015, 12:07, More)