b3ta.com user my badger is cuter thany your mom
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Profile for my badger is cuter thany your mom:
Profile Info:

salut à tous,

i live and work in Paris and spend time laughing through this brilliant b3tan messageboard. and i love it!

web is so full of shit, i'm glad i've found this so usefull site, laugh IS usefull. and yes, b3tans will save the web, even the world.

i don't have much time to photoshop and post as my boss can technicaly see what displays my screen and i'm supposed to code pages, so my contribution is a bit poor.

well, i work for money, play slide trombone and drink wine. i also love music, women, kitten and many more.

and i'm a guy.

have a dice day.

and a few silly images i've done here. But noone understood my talent.

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