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» Rubbish Towns
Manchester (the city that thinks it's a town)
Got sent to this throbbing muscle of a city earlier this year. Thursday night - 8.15 - went to the Corner House, reputedly a lively arts venue for the hep cats o' the North. Bar closed, last films already half-shown, dead. Crossed a desolate city centre on foot, back to hotel. 2.30 a.m. I was awoken by a gang fight on the street outside. Highly entertaining. Like a live version of most modern british cinema, only in Manchester the police don't turn up. I don't blame them really. Lots of yelling, screaming, posturing for quite a long time. Or maybe it was a dream?
(Fri 30th Oct 2009, 17:54, More)
Manchester (the city that thinks it's a town)
Got sent to this throbbing muscle of a city earlier this year. Thursday night - 8.15 - went to the Corner House, reputedly a lively arts venue for the hep cats o' the North. Bar closed, last films already half-shown, dead. Crossed a desolate city centre on foot, back to hotel. 2.30 a.m. I was awoken by a gang fight on the street outside. Highly entertaining. Like a live version of most modern british cinema, only in Manchester the police don't turn up. I don't blame them really. Lots of yelling, screaming, posturing for quite a long time. Or maybe it was a dream?
(Fri 30th Oct 2009, 17:54, More)