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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
A woman hears her husband is in hospital and rushes to A&E. The doctor, who is Italian, says: "I'm-a sorry. It-a seems-a your ahsband is-a turning into a tree."
She asks, "Oh my God, is he getting any better?"
Says the doctor: "No! He's-a sick-a more!"
(I swear it's funny out loud.)
(Wed 9th May 2018, 13:46, More)
A woman hears her husband is in hospital and rushes to A&E. The doctor, who is Italian, says: "I'm-a sorry. It-a seems-a your ahsband is-a turning into a tree."
She asks, "Oh my God, is he getting any better?"
Says the doctor: "No! He's-a sick-a more!"
(I swear it's funny out loud.)
(Wed 9th May 2018, 13:46, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
Caxton Gibbet
The little remaining charge on a phone with depleted battery.
"Can I use your phone? I'm down to my caxton gibbet."
(Wed 9th May 2018, 14:34, More)
Caxton Gibbet
The little remaining charge on a phone with depleted battery.
"Can I use your phone? I'm down to my caxton gibbet."
(Wed 9th May 2018, 14:34, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
adj. Of a Facebook friend you barely know, aged 20 to 30 years above you, who writes mildly disconcerting comments on pictures of your friends.
(Wed 9th May 2018, 14:18, More)
adj. Of a Facebook friend you barely know, aged 20 to 30 years above you, who writes mildly disconcerting comments on pictures of your friends.
(Wed 9th May 2018, 14:18, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
Ringing in the ears caused by incessant late-night notifications from a WhatsApp group you're only half interested in.
(Wed 9th May 2018, 14:16, More)
Ringing in the ears caused by incessant late-night notifications from a WhatsApp group you're only half interested in.
(Wed 9th May 2018, 14:16, More)