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Meanwhile; in Soviet Russia......
JollyJack - a stench from the past ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:37,
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it's not Shaving Foram
he was christening the new issue of squirrels with tits monthly that arrived that morning
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:39,
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JollyJack - a stench from the past ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:43,
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have to admit its an impressive quantity though
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:47,
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There's something to be said for the accuracy too
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:52,
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it's actually just a single blast, but aimed at a stencil of Australia
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:59,
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Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:09,
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Strip started in 2005.
7 years worth?
JollyJack - a stench from the past ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:52,
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frame 3 looks like Roadrunner's ghost
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:53,
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The new issue is out?
* Runs off to the news agents...
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:51,
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news agents woods
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:54,
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HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:56,
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*dusts off the "like" button*
JollyJack - a stench from the past ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:57,
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^ ha ha ha, this!
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 19:21,
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Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:59,
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HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:00,
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Work it baby
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:07,
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Oh, bloody hell, how funny!
Love it, though I had to check it wasn't a mankini before I allowed myself to be aroused.
Varmint ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 21:34,
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The Splufty Club
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:12,
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macroscian (1 like) ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:21,
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Ace! You should do a series of these
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:43,
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is a great sound effect. It should be employed more.
The Silent Channel is getting his recommended 5-a-day ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:46,
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She appears to have here 'Recently Rogered' T-Shirt on..
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:50,
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What sort of creature is she?
I reckon skink perhaps? Something amphibious anyway.
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:54,
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Some kind of hairless-monkey.
JollyJack - a stench from the past ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:54,
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What filth will you think up next!
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:55,
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I plough the depths of perversion!
JollyJack - a stench from the past ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 16:56,
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Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:19,
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It's not shaving foam.
Doctor When May your wife shat and chipper ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:02,
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Queen: Good afternoon, Jack.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:05,
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We have to see your stuff and try and think you're not a paedo!:D
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:06,
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Yes. Because I am the Almighty.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:11,
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Yes. With the same publishing promises never carried out as Pete Townshend.
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:20,
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Who is Pete Townshend?
What's meaning??
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:23,
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He was someone who got of being locked up for child porn as he said it was for a biography he was writing.
The book was never published. Like you, you sick fuck, he should be locked up! Possibly with 'key throwing way' options. EDIT: Before you think to answer. Look at your image. A13(ish) year old girl with her arms cut off, mouth gagged and blood splatted all over her. Seriously. I hope the police find you soon and lock you up for good. This is the feeling, from what I've heard (and I've heard this even though I've been away for a while) from many people.
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:26,
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There are a lot to someone like me in pixiv. Do not say only me.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:31,
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Well I hope Interpol lock the lot of you up.
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:35,
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Please see pixiv -_-
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:38,
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I wouldn't follow any link given to me by a paedophile.
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:42,
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And, she already over 20 age.
You will not know about Japanese people.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:43,
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she's eating sushi
no idea about the arms thing, think she might be a robot blood is on the screen not on the girl so perhaps she shot the twitter birds with her lazor eyes. really wouldn't describe it as porn
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:36,
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porn? No, This is Grotesque.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:40,
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I've seen worse
I've drawn worse too Never as bad as Cockweasle though, that would be a step too far for anyone :D
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:42,
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atomic A-bomb-a-nation ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:29,
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that's an impressive amount of slime
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:31,
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You should post this every hour
on the hour.
Shlvng ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:09,
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I have not time for make new artworks.
Death is the Eternal I have not my ally ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:13,
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atomic A-bomb-a-nation ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:27,
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What is this strange, hitertoo unencountered lifeform?
I mean, it looks like a female, but it lacks a tail. Does not compute.
Ravenous Bugblatter Beast This content may not be working. Please try again. ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:18,
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Obviously some kind of fetishy wank-fantasy that the Eyebrow man has imagined
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 17 Apr 2012, 17:23,
archived )
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