Sid was an iconoclast and a rebel that the system hated. This isn't humour, send up someone who deserves this not Sid.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:09,

is totally lame and now it's suppose to be funny so long as you can stick the back of a child's head near the crouch region of any celebrity and call it humour. I'm totally out of touch with the world if this is now funny.
Ordinarily I would have just ignored such stuff, but not when Sid Vicious is dragged into it.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:15,
Ordinarily I would have just ignored such stuff, but not when Sid Vicious is dragged into it.

That twat had all he ever wanted and still blew his fucking brains out.
And without the likes of Sid he would have never been famous.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:35,
And without the likes of Sid he would have never been famous.

Yes Kurt Cobain was a very flawed character but shirley you shouldnt be exercising double standards by protecting who you see as a legend but slagging off someone who was a legend to other people?
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:38,

and as I've already stated he had flaws, but that isn't the issue. the issue here is: Is Sid Vicious fair game for the kiddy-fucking joke that you lot seem to love too much around here? And the answer is NO! No fucking way!
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:43,

is fair game on b3ta. This board thrives on celebrity parody as part of it's staple diet. If we all worried about whether or not we'd be stepping on someone's toes with every picture, this board would half hardly any new images. I certainly wouldn't have made the Michael J Fox series if I was owrried about whether or not a few might be offended by it.
I'm sure lots of people get offended by lots of pictures on here, but that's par for the course. People who offend easily really should find a nice board where people don't say things like fucksocks, arsebiscuits and cuntymints.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:46,
I'm sure lots of people get offended by lots of pictures on here, but that's par for the course. People who offend easily really should find a nice board where people don't say things like fucksocks, arsebiscuits and cuntymints.

and if someone like John Peel, for instance, was getting this treatment there would be more than just me complaining.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:48,

John peel has had several offensive pictures posted about him. Along with many other people far more deserving of exempt status.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:49,

being ridiculed, Like Jackson, Townsend, Glitter etc. But we aren't talking about a bit of a leg pull, the inference is much worse in this case.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:51,

People see the easy jokes first. Dont let it bother you, people will always be closed minded that will never change.
That is all.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:46,
That is all.

is another's trash can. I don't think (my *opinion*) either Vicious or Cobain deserve the plaudits. And I just can't get that fired up by semi-talented people who grew famous through media sideshows rather than music. FWIW, to me The Clash were the band of the time, as their *music* actually spoke for itself. But I don't expect everyone to agree with me. And it wouldn't bother me if someone posted a GIF anim of Joe Strummer dropping dead while walking his dog. I thought irreverence was one of the reasons for this place?
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:48,

I'd take the clash over the pistols any day of the week.
*fires up winamp*
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:58,
*fires up winamp*

pete-o-townsend of the who however...
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:39,

if it didn't say kid sex, and if this weren't B3ta, you wouldn't even be able to tell that's a child.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:19,

the whole premise of this image is Kiddy Sex. So to say it could be anything makes the entire image meaningless.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:28,

But complaiining about stuff being offensive or lame in B3TA seems a bit pointless. No? :-)
Don't get mad just because one of your icons took the blast. Surely we can all live in peace and harmony and resolve our differences without resorting to punk bands. Or something.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:23,
Don't get mad just because one of your icons took the blast. Surely we can all live in peace and harmony and resolve our differences without resorting to punk bands. Or something.

you can take the piss out of anyone you like, but the whole having sex with kids thing isn't really humour it's just being a knob. A big gay spangly knob with tinsel on.And baubles. And warts.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 20:33,

Don't touch teh Sid he is god!!111!!
FFS he's (or was) a bloke just like you me and the next guy. He got pissed, swore alot, and played bass. He didn't save the world.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:23,
FFS he's (or was) a bloke just like you me and the next guy. He got pissed, swore alot, and played bass. He didn't save the world.

I know Sid wasn't a god, but he doesn't deserve this shit.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:31,

about almost everyone on this board who has had their image pulled apart, dissected and laughed at by everyone on here.
If you disagree with the kiddy sex humour aspect (which personally I find dodgy ground as well) then thats one thing, but to get on your high horse because of the person involved is hypocritcal.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:49,
If you disagree with the kiddy sex humour aspect (which personally I find dodgy ground as well) then thats one thing, but to get on your high horse because of the person involved is hypocritcal.

Most people who are ridiculed here via shoppings don't deserve it, but why should we give a fuck? If you find it funny, you find it funny, if you don't, you don't. Move on. For whatever reason, this made me laugh, and yes, I think it's dodgy territory too. But so is much stuff in here.
On another note, the original poster still has L-plates, and it's only their second post. I thought the forum FAQ said something about going easy on n00bs and not being directly insulting? I think "GET TO FUCK" because the post didn't seem funny is a bit OTT.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:54,
On another note, the original poster still has L-plates, and it's only their second post. I thought the forum FAQ said something about going easy on n00bs and not being directly insulting? I think "GET TO FUCK" because the post didn't seem funny is a bit OTT.

And this a rarity for me. I managed to get three posts into a thread before it vanished into ancietn history
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:57,
And this a rarity for me. I managed to get three posts into a thread before it vanished into ancietn history

Play bass in the most piss poor way possible. (I think he only ever recorded the beass on one sex pistols song)
/Woo to the pick btw
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:09,
/Woo to the pick btw

a polished rock band. Sid pissed about and didn't learn the bass properly but when people went to see the Pistols (post Glen Matlock) they were going because of Sid.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:11,

but im just passionate about my bass, and he just seemed to take the piss. Ohh well nevermind.
What he stood for=Yay
How he played=Boo
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:17,
What he stood for=Yay
How he played=Boo

Because he was quite happy to have bottles thrown at him. Let's face it, he wasn't very bright, and everyone, including the other band members, and particularly Malcolm McLaren, used him as a self-destructive icon. They didn't give a fuck if he lived or died.
He's no iconoclast. He's a icon to how the music industry pisses on its breadwinners.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:18,
He's no iconoclast. He's a icon to how the music industry pisses on its breadwinners.

rebelious youth, and he didn't like having bottles thrown at him, he did a fair bit of bottle throwing too as well as hitting twats with his bass. Yes he was self-destructive but that was the sign of the times "No Future, for me, No Future, for you."
The music industry hated the Pistols because they shook apart the very fabric of that industry and created garage/pub bands that weren't exceptional guitarist, bassist, singers and Drummers but it was all about getting up and doing it for real, instead of sitting in some hippy bedsit dreaming of being a "Rock Star"
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:23,
The music industry hated the Pistols because they shook apart the very fabric of that industry and created garage/pub bands that weren't exceptional guitarist, bassist, singers and Drummers but it was all about getting up and doing it for real, instead of sitting in some hippy bedsit dreaming of being a "Rock Star"

because they would never fucking sign a proper contract. They *loved* the fact that it opened up a whole new money making opportunity punk-bandwagon thing. More bands than you can shake a stick at, they don't need to be that good, they don't need an expensive studio or engineer, and they'll still sell. It was all music biz, and hype. Didn't feel like it at the time, but we were all conned, as Mclaren would say.
Yes, I'm *that* cynical. :-)
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:30,
Yes, I'm *that* cynical. :-)

and to some extent it's fans, but that was mainly McClaren. The music industry had to adapt and it did so, and thank fuck it did, because you wouldn't have the wide variety of music that you all enjoy today if it wasn't for punk exploding the myth of the music industry.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:34,

My tastes are quite narrow and cheap. I love that Chris de Burgh. Woman in Red... great song!
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:38,

now lets look at Hendrix and any other rock star you might want to lambast.
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Sun 12 Dec 2004, 17:40,