Hebtro make trousers and shirts and boots and jumpers, and will sell them to you using this internet hyperlink. All made in the UK and ideal as gifts for blokes. JUST BUY A JUMPER OK?
I mades a new badge for anybody who wishes to steal it.
obviously suitable for those of us who may partake in small alcoholic beverage from time to time.
(TBLI posted this on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:47,
Me Heart Bender / Benders
(The_Queen_Is_DeadScooter Is A Blonde Haired Fuck-monkey,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:48,
I am he who am be drunk! :D
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:48,
I've had "B-E-N-D-E-R Bee-eee-eeender!" stuck in my head all day, and it finally left, and there it is again. Right there. Right in the ONLY THING I CAN THINK ABOUT.
some alcohomoholmic beaverages for the first time since new years eve, don'tcha know. I set myself today as a date to come off the wagon and guess what? I have.
(Button Man...a right bottom feeder.,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:51,
Wayhey! Sign Me up!
(PopidgeLast ate a kebab on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:51,
any moment
"Boring geology lecture"
(discomeatsThis canoe,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:51,
My name is bender,
please insert LIQUOR.
(@RBFesquireGood luck b3ta, was nice knowing you. So long.,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:52,
Oh Fuck
You made me want to put Futurama on now...
(PopidgeLast ate a kebab on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:53,
you mean
that's not your natural state?
(cs192is sucking on a Koala at,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:57,
(@RBFesquireGood luck b3ta, was nice knowing you. So long.,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:58,
Meh, poor household means i have to limit my electricity usage.
Which means PC + TV + DVD at the same time = No-no.
(PopidgeLast ate a kebab on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:02,
you have a dvd drive in your PC no?
ad a tv card and you can have 3 in one :-)
(TBLI posted this on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:05,
Although the moment i finally find a weekend job (Which is surprisingly hard in Wolverhampton), i shall get myself a Mac, and use this shite lump of PC for experimental purpose only.
(PopidgeLast ate a kebab on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:07,
i meant the wanting to more than the actually watching
but in the energy conscious household spirit, watch it on thine pc
(cs192is sucking on a Koala at,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:07,
you there!
(TBLI posted this on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:55,
Bloody hell,
thats a mighty fine cake. And my first one at that.
does this mean I am no longer a nOOb?
(@RBFesquireGood luck b3ta, was nice knowing you. So long.,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:58,
Now that..
Is most tip-top
(PopidgeLast ate a kebab on,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:58,
that's great!
*basks in the glow of human kindness*
(urbane legendi have known the inexorable sadness of pencils,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:05,
Read my shiney metal profile!
(riverghostservicing your mum since,
Thu 15 Feb 2007, 22:52,